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NPLH is a literate, animation personified roleplay. All characters are based on an animated character, and you can choose characters from any animated work you want. Cartoon, anime, movie, whatever you want! We have a word count of 150, and require literacy in posts. Create a character and set it loose in Ever City, a large fictional city along the coast of California.
Summer 2014
June - August
It's set to be a hot one this summer! Lots of sun and very little rain. You might want to look into getting a pool if at all possible, or at least get a pass to your local pool. The beach is going to be a popular destination this season for sure!
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July 11
As of July 11, 2014 No Place Like Home is officially open for business! If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help out if I can.
Quick Links
01. rules
02. plot
03. member groups
04. application
05. wanted ads
06. spirit list
07. claims
08. advertising